
Daddy's Coat

Jackson has gotten very good at identifying what's mine, his, and Matt's. He'll pick up my shoes, socks, phone, etc...and say "mama's"...and doing the same with Matt's stuff. He picked up Matt's coat the other day and managed to put it on and walked around the house saying "daddy's daddy's daddy's". It was pretty cute stuff.
Little guy in a big ol coat

All done...and showing a little diaper


Fun New Toys

The weather outside is always frightful up here...thankfully, Jackson got a lot of new toys to keep him entertained while we're homebound. A big boy chair, a horse (well, a zebra but he calls it a horse), and shiny new car (a.k.a. "vroom vroom"), not to mention lots and lots of blocks. He's adding to his vocabulary almost everday, most recently are: baby, knee, cheek, outside, hot dog and teeth. He's very good at pointing to his body parts when you ask him to (hair, eye, teeth, toes, knee, fingers).
Since its now official that we're moving back home to Memphis (yay!), I got Jackson into a daycare and we're looking for house (on the island of course). Matt will start his job in July, and I have a new job lined up as well. Just a few more months....

About Me

WELCOME! Our little family includes me, my hubby Matt, our son Jackson, and the pups Athena and Mojito. Day in and day out, we live a pretty normal life. This year we just happend to be living it in sub-zero temps in upstate NY, but that's changing in a few short months and we're heading back home to Memphis :). A few basic, but nontheless pertinent facts about me that you should know...I find cheese and crackers to be a perfectly acceptable dinner when I'm by myself, ice cream can be eaten any time of the day, cold weather is only good for skiing, animals have souls, flip flops are my favorite shoe, Jackson's laugh can make my day all better no matter what, fried okra is my favorite, someday I want to be permanently settled on a body of water, scuba diving is my favorite outdoor activity, 80's movies are awesome, I have the best friends and most wonderful family, if our next baby is a girl we're done, I want a Mac laptop, I get my love of cooking from my Grandad, and I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up...all in all, pretty basic stuff. Thanks for stopping by